Took some time this last month to work on trying to make a box out of bloodwood for a Raspberry PI with integral recessed area for the LCD touch screen. The idea was to mount the screen / PI to the top block and then figure out how to latch it to the box underneath.
So far, I’ve managed to break a slew of 1/8″ router bits, even being as delicate as I can and doing many shallow passes. Perhaps the wood is super hard or I’m just being careless. Who knows.
The project was a fun excuse to practice box joinery techniques using a router jig. Had some reasonable success there, though there was some occasional tear out. A table saw jig would be better but I used what already have.
The box fit together pretty well, tough some shinkage made it fit a bit looser then I would have liked. I’m sure the glue would solve most of that, but whatever. It works.
Instead of trying to box joint the bottom panel on too, I elected to route slots and let the bottom panel hang into all four sides. Makes trying to do the glue-up less panic-y.

After making the box and getting the screen fixed into the wood top panel, I’m not 100% certain i want a box bottom at all anymore. The intent was to add holes and mounting bits for PI cameras, but I can’t commit to any design in particular, so perhaps I’ll repurpose the box for something, but keep the LCD mounted in the bloodwood. Time will tell.