I surprised Luciana with a phone stand for our anniversary. I like giving practical gifts, so why not build something to boot?
I used mahogany 1×2’s from the hardware store and a chop saw to cut the pieces. Here’s how the assembly went:
Design plan in SketchUp.
I picked up some belt clamps to help with he assembly.
I cut some scrap pieces to fill the voids just right so the belt clamp could do its job.
Clamping the legs to the base.
Done with assembly.
Done with assembly.
I added screws into the base of the legs, because I am paranoid. I’m sure the glue was good enough, but oh well.
Luciana likes dark woods, so I gave it a quick stain. I didn’t let it soak in for more than 5 minutes and wiped it off again.
Finished staining.
The mahogany still has its lovely sheen.
Added a hand rubbed coat of polyurethane.
Front view showing off the lovely sheen.
Side view.
Back view.
Customer action shot.
Close up of the wire hole.
I also made sure the design would accommodate an iPad 😛
Mahogany was a pleasure to work with. I really enjoyed this project.